
Archive for July, 2016

If there’s ever a time to visit your best friend in New York, late July is probably not the best choice. Sometimes life doesn’t give you much of a choice though, and going was much much better than not going!

20160724_1148570.jpgBesides eating pie from Polish bakeries, we did a lot of walking and even more sweating!

20160723_161722.jpgKyle and his boyfriend recently moved to Williamsburg and so we spent the majority of our time not in Manhattan, hooray!

IMG_6253We found a garden, and bought ourselves some much-needed popsicles.

IMG_6246Kyle granted my top-priority wish of the trip – going to the Strand (the best bookstore ever)!

20160723_151836.jpgAnd because he is a fantastic friend, he granted my second-place wish as well – buying stationary and postcards!

20160723_151219.jpgWe went to see Ghostbusters with his friends Joseph and JS and got brunch with them as well. Kyle always feeds me so well on these visits.

20160723_211923.jpgLast, but not least, Kyle always makes an effort to expose me to new ideas, and with that aim, we wandered into a flash-frozen ice cream store in Greenpoint.

IMG_6256As you can see, I was not convinced that this 30-minute wait for individually-frozen ice cream was worth it (indeed it was not, the ice cream tasted the same as normal).

20160722_222249.jpgIt was Kyle’s last weekend of captivity in his cast, and we definitely made it a memorable one!

20160722_195356.jpgThe train ride there and back was gorgeous along the Hudson River, and I was not even a little sad to return to the moderate climate that is Vermont in the summertime!

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I love being outdoors in the summer!

Austy’s 25th birthday was the last weekend in June and the three of us went for a midday kayaking trip on the river to celebrate!


IMG_0635We got a tip about a rope swing off a cliff nearby, found it and then spent a good hour playing, swimming and photographing!





IMG_2147Happy first quarter of a century Brother Bear!


I felt like such a lucky duck this week at home because Mama took off two days from work so we could hang out and have adventures together!

IMG_2177First up was a hike up House Mountain with our Ellie pup!




Then just yesterday we got a pre-dawn start and biked 25 miles round trip on a beautiful scenic river road near the Smoky Mountains.

IMG_2214It was my first time biking the route from Heritage High School to Townsend along Old Walland Highway. We found a swinging bridge and stopped there for a bit.


But mostly we just biked and enjoyed the smell of the blossoming mimosa silk trees and the sound of the river flowing. I have rarely enjoyed a long bike ride that much!

IMG_2205Next up I’ll be driving to Middlebury Vermont to spend six weeks in their Russian grad school program.

I’ll sure miss my mama and my brother though!

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