
Archive for October, 2013

Dad and I have had this on the calendar for quite some time.

Every year, Jonesborough, Tennessee has their Storytelling Festival located around the International Storytelling Center just west of Johnson City.


It is truly a quaint town, with a really vibrant historic area.

Dad and I got a taste of the storytellers through several sessions on Friday and Saturday, but the best part of the weekend was getting to know the southern Appalachian area.


When we grew tired of listening for hours at a time, we took off on adventures –


to see one of Dad’s favorite fishing spots at a river further up in the mountains.


Then we went off in search of a golf course for Dad to show me his new putter, and wound up finding a covered bridge and antique car show in Elizabethton, TN.


Besides all this natural beauty, we also found a great Indian restaurant and an Iraqi one the next night. I finally saw my first Nascar super-stadium (the one near Bristol), and to top it all off, Dad bought me a t-shirt from the Storytelling Center.

Sage was busy this weekend too, pining away for me at home, so I was eager to get back to my kitten and my little life here in Winterville!

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